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Monday, November 29, 2010

Offset VS Digital Printing

10 years ago, Offset are not able to printed small quantity such as 2 Boxes Name Card, but why today are able to do it?

10 years ago, many printer say that Offset will be outdated within printing industry, but until 2010 years, they are still alive and again more high end technology are come out for market demanding. WHY?

What you need to know the difference between of Offset And Digital Printing.

There are not the best of printing type, is just which method are suited to your current needed and demand.

Used the below knowledge for your reference before decided for either one of them printing process type. The wrong decision maybe result for your unnecessary costing and management for distributed after printed.

Summaries Of Offset & Digital Machinery Process
1.) Offset - No question, they are most commonly used on High Volume Quantity printing. First the Artwork Soft File together with Proof Sample will be pass to the Film/Plate company to produce it onto a Plate (now day most are used CTP - Computer To Plate system, which mean no more FILM is process before plate). After all it will pass to Production for checking and process for Machine Printing.

2.) Digital - Is targeted on smaller volume printing, and they are just not need to process and plate for printing. The designer will arrange the soft copy of plate for whole printing (large paper, normally is A3 size paper), the printing process will be direct from COMPUTER to any Digital Printer Machine.

Offset & Digital Printing Features :
* Quantity : The more volume quantities increase for process, the higher unit quantity will be produced. The cost will be auto cut down, but if the volume and quantity are for smaller printed then DIGITAL printing are recommended.

* Flexible Printing : If you are looking for more paper materials, surface printed, unique size etc for printed out then offset printing is most suitable and flexible choice for you.

* Colouring : Offset colour printed are much selection and mixed up rather than just for four colour printing only, especially for single or two ink color solid printing. The digital only suitable for Four Color Printing when the volume and quantity are small.

* Matching Color : If your printing are looking for solid and highlight color printed such as Pantone Color, then offset printing are the best CHOICE for you to match it. The digital are less accurate for the matching color printing.

* Repeating : If that printed item's are frequently and highly repeat printing, the offset are not much match for you, instead used of Digital Printing to solve this problem. But it still depend on Quantity, Color and Matching Colouring.

* Artwork Proof : Now day, the are very less of customers still request the Artwork Colour Proof are done it by Proof System is because it will cost higher and very expensive, except that customer would like to paid it. Now most are used the Digital or Computer Printer to solve this problem.

* Instant Customization : Digital can giving the immediately solution for any request and demand from clients for their customization printing for artwork design, while the offset printing are for finalized it or it will take long time to process for special finishing and custom on it.

The Advantages Used One Of :
1.) Digital
* Small volume
* Fast Printing for delivery
* Solution of problem offset can't solve it on short time
* Cheapest for small volume printing.
* Instant printing, not need for Plate / Film Processing
* Flexible for any special customization size and finishing of such as Die Cutting.
* Instant of ARTWORK or COLOR Proof from Artwork Soft Copy.
* Instant Advertising Purpose, such as Banner / Bunting etc.

2.) Offset
* Higher Volume Printing
* Higher Images & Resolution Printing
* Consistent On Delivery Schedule
* More selection and choice of Color Printing
* Special Color are more accurate for Pantone for solid printing.
* The Very Low Costing for High Quantity Printing.
* Solve the problem that Digital are unable to do.
* Consistent on repeating with stable quantity ordering.
* Very fast for complete of Production Process compare to Digital.

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